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Sometimes I get a few days behind in my posts but I am always taking the pictures. I just do not always get on the computer daily to post. If I get behind, keep checking back, there is always a picture for each day! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Official Kick-off

Today was the Official Kick Off of the reunion and it started at a park. There, we got our team mascots, team shirts and got to make our team banners along with a team cheer. There were bubbles and balloons, pizza and cookies, Red Rover, freeze tag, story time with Grandpa x2 and lots of bug spray! It was a ton of fun!
We also got our agenda for our trip to Lagoon tomorrow and what we had to accomplish in order to get tickets for the awesome raffle that would be held under our Pavilion!
It was so much fun!!

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