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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Remember when I got my hair highlighted early this summer? The highlights were a bit more that I was hoping for.
You see, I have never had great luck with highlights in my hair. My hair gets very dry and damaged when I get them. I only wanted a few to lighten things up but I got a head full.
After going all summer with my highlights, swimming, being in the sun, and the great hard water we have around here, my hair was pretty fried.
I decided to try a different stylist to see if she could fix my poor, poor damaged hair.
She came highly recommended and for good reason! I LOVED her!
I'm working on growing out my hair but I had her cut off what she felt was needed to get it back to health. She also applied three different colors to my hair to blend the color I already had and to make it look more natural. She told me all sorts of things about MY hair that make complete sense but that I'd never been told before. She "thinned" my thick hair in a way that would work better for MY type of hair and MY hair growth patterns.
I love the end result and while this picture really doesn't do it justice, here is the new look!
I'm pretty sure I'm sticking to dark colors from here on out.

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